Category Archives: current world history

The Universalization of Uncertainty

This post probably won’t make a lot of people happy.  The news from our world, and from its human populations, seems to be generally bad, and seems likely to be worse in the future.  I am hoping, however, by helping … Continue reading

Posted in climate change, cllimate emergency, current world history, Economic History, Economics, History, Politics, Psychology, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

To Help Your Climate Anxiety, Just Follow Paul

The Climate Emergency is here.  Our wonderful capitalist civilization of convenient consumption has pushed too much pollution into our common atmosphere, and our earthly and watery environments are suffering as well.   All around the world,  smart and well-informed people are … Continue reading

Posted in climate change, cllimate emergency, current world history, Economic History, Economics, Politics, Psychology, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

To Build A Green Future: Implementing the Manifesto

Readers in America are unlikely to have heard about it, a very broad coalition calling itself the “Peoples of the Global South” has recently published a “Manifesto for an Ecosocial Energy Transiton from the Peoples of the South” that does … Continue reading

Posted in climate change, cllimate emergency, current world history, Economic History, Economics, Social Sciences, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

We Weren’t Dealing Well with Climate Emergency, Now Ukraine Emergency Makes It Worse

(Original post, dealing with climate emergency, was greatly revised to cover Ukraine invasion and re-published Feb. 28, 2022.) The climate emergency has the potential to destroy all our comforts and conveniences, and possibly our lives – and we aren’t dealing … Continue reading

Posted in climate change, cllimate emergency, current world history, Democrats, Economics, History, Politics, Republicans, Ron's Omelet, Russia, Social Sciences, Ukraine, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Any Bravery Left, in our Sick New World? Updated June 2021

Let’s start with some context. The Great Depression of the 1930’s was a worldwide event, the economic effects reached at least 90% of the world’s population in significant ways. World War II, that followed (with the two events developing over … Continue reading

Posted in American Politics, corona virus, current world history, History, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Trump: The Suicide of Civilization?

The election of Donald J. Trump to the American Presidency in 2016 represents a stunning victory of ignorance over intelligence, a triumph of fraudulent salesmanship over honest customer service. To the extent that Trump succeeds in boosting irreversible climate change … Continue reading

Posted in American Politics, Communication systems, current world history, Politics, Republicans | 5 Comments

The Party of Selfishness and Destruction

The Party of Selfishness and Destruction This time, February of the 2015 Christian calendar, is a very, very dangerous time in the long, on-going story of human beings on earth. A political party which is devoted to the promotion and … Continue reading

Posted in current world history, History | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments