Tag Archives: Philosophy

The Climate Emergency: Does Anything Else Really Matter?

It’s really happening. We’re cooking the world to maintain our convenient and comfortable lifestyles. Every gallon of gasoline we burn is eight more pounds of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The first big crop failure from climate change is happening … Continue reading

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Arguing About Morality is like, so Useless …

Various threads on Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish over the last month or two, and the much-quoted opinion of Judge Vaughn Walker in the California gay marriage case, are calling me to put on my philosophical hat, to set out some … Continue reading

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Introducing the Next Revolution

The basic idea is that there is no one factor … to explain human behaviors. There is, however, an inter-related set of four aspects of basic social science – psychology, philosophy, politics and economics, using a … set of re-definitions I have provided for these sciences – which do operate simultaneously in all halfway normal persons. To the extent that we can get information on the thoughts and actions of any person or persons, we can explain 99% of their behavior with these four inter-related, simultaneous social sciences.
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